Greece acted quickly to contain the spread of COVID-19. While the economy has taken a hit, it's nowhere near the scale of some of its southern neighbors. CGTN's Guy Henderson reports. 

They don't know when they'll be allowed to re-open yet. But staff at this clothing store in central Athens are getting ready.

ANDREAS Berto Lucci Clothing Store "Because we took action so quickly, I think we will recover very much this summer."

Greece began locking down within 2 weeks of its first case back in early March. With only a fraction of the coronavirus case-loads of many European countries, its government has won praise for its preparedness. From early this month, though, officials were warning any easing of restrictions would come gradually – and wouldn't mark the end of the crisis.

SOTIRIS TSIODRAS Coronavirus Advisor to Greek Government "This should in no way lead to complacency. We do not want this to be overturned in the coming days or weeks. Together we can all achieve a significant mitigation of the first epidemic wave in our country, by allowing the measures to work, so we come out of this adventure wiser, and more ready to face the virus in the near future."

Some are back on the streets in large numbers already: including these teachers, protesting on Friday despite a ban such gatherings. The Greek economy's expected to contract sharply. But there's cautious optimism acting early has paid off.

PANAGIOTIS PETRAKIS Economist, University of Athens "It came from outside, so if you have some measures to mitigate it – you have recovered after that. What I want to say is the depression is already behind us."

Nearly a decade since the start of its drawn-out debt crisis, Greece's economic prospects were finally looking brighter before the pandemic.

And today, it's Spain and Italy, NOT Greece, that's the focus of debate at European level over how to prop up weaker southern economies during this crisis.

EMMANUEL MACRON French President "If we abandon these regions, if we abandon a part of Europe, then all of Europe will fall."

Greece reported no new coronavirus deaths on Saturday: a further cause for optimism ahead of a lockdown exit plan expected next week. It may have been spared the worst of the first wave. Still, its economy can ill afford a second. GH, CGTN. 

Source: CGTN

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